Simone is a regular EdPartnerships Associate who has worked for 25 years in government secondary schools, primarily in culturally and linguistically diverse settings with significant EAL student populations. Her most recent school position was as Assistant Principal at Lalor SC while she has also been a Curriculum, Year Level & Sub-School Leader. Simone has also worked with the VCAA for 28 years in roles related to the English/EAL study, including being an examiner, vetter and reviewer.
Simone worked for six years in Teacher Education with primary and secondary teachers. Her work during this time focused on TESOL, the facilitation of whole school approaches to embedding research-based literacy, and evidence-based assessment practices.
Her research interests include EAL student identity; the role of schooling in the migrant experience and the negotiation of emerging adolescent, ethnic and developing new national identities; and leading change in curriculum development at a school-team-classroom level that is inclusive of and empowering for students and their teachers.